Florida District, Peru

Florida is a district of the Bongará Province. FLORIDA Pomacochas is located in the Department of the Amazon, Province of Bongará, District of Florida; approximately to 90 km From Bagua Grande, course to the Peruvian forest for the marginal highway of the forest, today called Fernando Belaunde Terry.

It presents an altitude of 2220 m.s.n.m. according to his this height inhabited in the region Yunga, his geographical flat spreads from 500 m. Until the 2300 m.s.n.m.

The District of Florida borders:

The access to the Capital of the District of Florida, it is an asphalting, across the highway of the Forest Fernando Belaunde Terry. It is the intermediate step of Chachapoyas to the Capital of Lima.

The highway of the (Pan-American) coast (Fernando Belaunde Terry) joins to that of the forest doing a whole of 1525 km, the same one that is asfaltada in the whole stretch.

In accordance with the census realized in the District in the year 2003, the population belongs to 5,117 inhabitants, 2,839 of the same ones (56 %) is rural population and 2,275 inhabitants. (44 %) urban population.

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